Tusok, tusok, or skewering food onto bamboo stick, is a common sight in places such outside the school, workplace, church, plaza, beside the road, and even near sari-sari or variety store.
As soon as you step out of your house, you will be greeted with the aroma of fish balls, squid balls, chicken balls, kikiam, hotdog, and, if you get lucky, barbecue, wafting in the air. It’s distinctive, pleasant smell is like a magnet that allures one to buy these street food even without planning to. Well, you won’t be disappointed however. The taste is delicious and addicting specially with a variety of sauces of choice — vinegar with diced onion, garlic, and chili; sweet and sour dip with a hint of soy sauce and thickened with cornstarch; or plain catsup.

Cooked in hot oil, this snack food is perfect paired with sweet gulaman with sago, a jelly-like refreshment, or softdrink. And the fun part is, it’s cheap, easy on the pocket.
So, if you are hardworking and a wise entrepreneur who wants to earn some extra income, you may try your hand at selling this street food. Just a reminder: make sure the food is fresh and of quality standard. Also remember that the sauce that goes with it makes a lot of difference. (Sheesh, that’s actually the secret.) Sanitized utensils and clean surroundings are plus factor.