How will you know if your significant other is into you? Body language is one indication that reveals the truth about the status of your relationship.
● ATTENTION IS ALL ON YOU. While you are talking, the body is facing you, an indication of interest for only you. And even if the legs are crossed, you will notice that the toecap is facing you, meaning, his/her attention on you is from head to toe.
● ATTRACTION IS INTENSE. A woman is into you when she leans her body toward you with back straight while you are face to face sitting down. Notice her nonverbal signals: Puts stray hair toward the back of her ears. Or, keeps twirling her hair with her finger while shyly looking at you. You will also notice that her hands often rub off on yours, whether it’s intentional or not, but for sure it’s intentional.
A man is attracted to you, when, for example, sees some cookie crumbs on the side of your lips and slowly removes them, including the stray strands of hair on your face while deeply looking at you. Or, while both of you are walking and he sees your shoelace gets loose, he will immediately tie it. He even will brush the dust off of your sneakers. Because of his intense attraction to you, he likes to get into your personal space.
● KEEPS STARING AT YOU. Always staring at you feels like you’re the only person in the world that matters to him/her. When you’re in love, you exhibit those dreamy-eyes; your eyes are actually smiling — happy that you are together. The eyes sure have it.
● ALWAYS SMILING. If your Babe always exhibits a megawatt smile when you are together, that means he/she can’t contain his/her happiness when you are beside him/her.
● COMPLIMENTS YOU. Do you often hear him/her say how beautiful or handsome you are? And in even in small things, such as your outfit, he/she compliments you? As if the word “compliment” immediately comes out of the mouth whenever he/she sees you? He/she only sees the good and the beautiful in you.
● IMITATES YOU. He/she copies your every move, including your intonation. Like a die-hard fan with a twist: There’s a naughty take to it, such as, the eyes are a-fluttering. This means he/she sees something appealing about you that you can’t seem to do wrong.
● LIKES YOUR HOBBIES. If he/she suddenly gets interested in the things that you do, like for example, exercise, be glad because that means he/she will do everything to be close to you. He/she will wake up early in the morning just to accompany you while jogging. Or, if he/she knows that you like cooking, you will learn later on that Sweetheart has enrolled in a short cooking course so that both of you can enjoy trying a variety of dishes.
● SHOWS LOVE. Everything for your good and happiness, he/she will do; doesn’t feel tired when with you. That’s how one acts when he/she really likes you, he/she can multitask for you: Cooking dinner while fixing your laptop. Painting your condo while having a chat with you. He/she is super happy seeing you happy, reason Honey acts that way.
⚫️ INTRODUCES YOU TO FAMILY. Your partner may be thinking of the future with you and wants you to be close with his/her family even before discussing marriage. He/she believes that you maybe “the one.”
The above signals are an indication that you have captured the heart of your Love. But there are body language or moves that you should give attention to – the opposite, an indication that the relationship is leading to good-bye. This is another discussion.