WHAT’s the connection? Well, your feet can say a lot about the condition of your liver — which maybe in danger if these signs and symptoms are ignored. So, regularly check your feet for…
FOUL SMELL. Strange, but smelly feet may indicate liver problems. This happens if the liver is not able to detoxify properly, which may damage the colon and the kidney.
SWELLING or edema, a common sign of liver disease. This maybe due to liver problems such as fatty liver, cirrhosis, and other liver conditions.
SPIDER VEINS appearing on your feet may indicate that there are too many estrogens in your system which could be due to liver damage.
TERRIBLE PAIN on your feet is commonly associated with Hepatitis C, a viral infection that affects the liver. This maybe life-threatening if left unchecked.
ITCHY FEET, particularly at the bottom, can be a symptom of liver disease. It maybe that the bile ducts in the liver are blocked or damaged, which can lead to a buildup of bile in the body.
BURNING SENSATION. There might be an inflammation happening in the liver. This keeps the liver from working as it should.
YELLOW FEET. If a yellow discoloration appears at the soles of your feet, you may have a liver dysfunction called jaundice. This needs immediate medical intervention.
CRACKS ON FEET. A sign that you may be lacking some vitamins due to an underlying liver disease.
FOOT FUNGUS. Fungal infection is a common, serious complication in patients with acute liver disease.
If you experience any of these symptoms, see a doctor quick. Always remember that early detection and proper treatment help prevent serious and life-threatening conditions from happening. Be well.