What do men find most attractive in women at first sight? Based on several surveys and interviews done with them, you will be surprised at what they say. Take note, ladies!
No. 2 EYES. Men say they can see through the eyes if a girl is sincere, playful, lying, flirty, fearful, pretending, and so many other emotions. Men are attracted to women with bright, almond-shaped eyes, dark long lashes, with unique eye color. Their hearts melt when a woman makes eye contact.
No. 3 SMILE. To men, a girl who smiles a lot is happy, kind, friendly, easy to approach and talk to. She also appears to handle problems lightly, a trait important in a relationship. Big plus if a girl has a set of healthy teeth.
No. 4 HAIR. Men say women’s hair has some flirting factor going on about it, such as when a girl flips her head and her hair bounces. Or when a girl tucks her hair behind her ear. Men see this as a gesture of attraction and romantic interest. Reason 43% of men in a survey done by the Daily Mail in 2008 reveals men prefer long, wavy hair. Long hair also gives the impression that the girl is ‘cowboy’ who isn’t afraid to have her hair down.
No. 5 BODY SHAPE. Men can’t help their attraction when they see a curvaceous woman. They say though that it’s not about how she dresses. A woman can wear a sack and still ooze that sexy appeal—her posture, the right curves, the way her hips swing when she walks, the way she carries herself.
No. 6 SCENT. Men say smelling good doesn’t necessarily mean a girl is dripping in perfume. Most men say a girl smells sweet because she emits something that is good to the senses — a scent that triggers good vibes, happiness, joy, even lust. Even the natural no-scent scent smells good to some men.
No. 7 GOOD SKIN. Whether fair, tan, olive, black-complexioned, a woman with clear, pinkish, flawless skin appears to emit a sense of cleanliness. According to 20% of the men interviewed, this may also be an indication that the girl’s good genes may be inherited by their children.
No. 8 BREASTS. Men find women’s breasts appealing and sexy. But contrary to women’s belief that most men like big boobs, no! They prefer women with breasts that are proportionate to their height, size, and built. 80% of men say that more than the pleasure breasts bring, nothing is more powerful than seeing a woman breastfeeding — witnessing the nurturing bond between mother and child.
No. 9 LEGS. Majority of the men interviewed agree that long, shapely, toned, flawless legs are hard to not notice. Added points if a woman has a pair of nice, shapely, clean feet.
No. 10 BUTT. Men are attracted to women who are blessed with a full, rounded behind. Not for lust, they say, but because according to their grandma, women with these physical attributes easily conceive and give birth.
No. 11 LIPS. Men find full, luscious, moist, reddish or pinkish lips attractive. They find it appealing if the lips are shaped like a smiley, although most of them prefer pouty lips, as if sending signals that she is easy to get along with. Dry, chapped lips are a turn-off.
Wait, what’s number 1, you ask?
No. 1 FACE. Men say they are immediately attracted to women with beautiful face, although the definition of beautiful varies to them. There are men who find a face with a mole under a woman’s lips appealing. There are those that find a face with a small, pointy nose attractive, like a face of an angel. But they are one in saying that they find the overall look —from head to chin or the symmetry of the face — the most attractive.
Ladies, take note: You can stand out in a crowd without even trying if you know yourself well. Just be you, take care of yourself, be confident, and most of all, be kind. That’s woman power!