Grouchy. Impulsive. Can’t think right. Hot-headed. These are just some of the negative effects of going the day on an empty stomach. According to Healthline, your stomach becomes empty after 2 to 4 hours without ingesting food. Sometimes you remember to eat only when the stomach starts to growl. Result? You take whatever is available. But don’t ever do these on an empty stomach.
DRINK ALCOHOL. Alcohol goes directly to the stomach down to small intestine and into the bloodstream. This may affect your coordination and ability to think and the condition of your heart, liver, and kidney. Reach for a glass of water instead.
CHEW GUM. The digestive acid our body releases while chewing gum may damage the stomach which may lead to gastritis, an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. If this happens, ulcer may develop. Better to eat fruits or cut-up veggies than chew gum.
TAKE ANTI-INFLAMMATORY MEDS. Such as aspirin or paracetamol. Not only do these meds lessen their effectivity when taking on an empty stomach but bring about serious problems such as gastric bleeding or gastrointestinal issues.
SLEEP. Your glucose level may drop if you hit the bed without food which may increase the level of hunger hormones. Result: intermittent state of sleep because your stomach longs for food. So better eat sleep-boosting food such as dairy or oats rich in tryptophan, a sleep-promoting substance. Also let 2 to 3 hours pass before hitting the bed.
INTENSE WORKOUT. You won’t have enough energy to influence fat loss. Besides, working out on an empty stomach may affect muscle development, which will lead to fatigue. Eat 25 to 40 grams of carbs and 10 grams of proteins such as 1 banana and 1/2 cup low-fat yogurt, 2 tablespoons peanut butter, or energy bars, especially if you have digestive issues.
MAKE DECISIONS. Especially BIG decisions pertaining to money, relationship, career, future, which you may regret later on. Studies reveal that making decisions on an empty stomach may result to poor choices and bad consequences. Make it a habit to eat small, bite-sized healthy portions 4 to 6 times a day.
GROCERY SHOPPING. When hungry, you crave for unhealthy chips, sweets, sodas, canned goods, ice cream which may lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, kidney failure, heart ailment. Better to eat first before grocery-shopping.
DRINK COFFEE/JUICE. Whether decaffeinated or not, drinking coffee on an empty stomach may lead to heartburn, serotonin deficiency, and other digestive tract issues. And if you are a heavy coffee drinker, this may lead to anxiety, heart palpitations, jittery feeling, headaches, migraines, high blood pressure, and worse, panic attacks, says healthline. Limit your coffee intake to 4 cups or less a day. Citrusy juice, on the other hand, may lead to heartburn and hyperacidity. Switch to milk for a healthier option.
BE CONFRONTATIONAL. Studies show that being hungry at all times lessens self-control which may lead to being defensive, argumentative, and confrontational; worse, a war freak. This ruins relationships, harbors resentments, causes anger, rage, irritation, and a host of other negative feelings. Be sure to fill up before a meeting, discussion, or gathering.
Whatever your body’s reaction to any situation is, it is better to eat a healthy diet, drink enough water to hydrate, sleep 8 hours a day, exercise, have a happy disposition, and regularly see your doctor — whether you’re sick or not.
The table is set, come and eat.